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The discussions on Social Innovation and Disability begin

The discussions on Social Innovation and Disability begin

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This year, to mark its 50th anniversary, Institut Guttmann along with the member organisations of its Social Participation Board and other Spanish and Andorran associations have launched the discussions entitled “Social Innovation and Disability. Discussions on disability in changing society."

Two different formats have been proposed for these discussions, with the first being face-to-face meetings that would take place in Girona, Lleida and Barcelona. These would be conferences, debates and discussion forums, with the aim of discussing how to deal with the changes that society in general and disabled people in particular require to appropriately shape the future of disability.

The second format provides everyone with the opportunity to participate in three virtual discussions centred around a website, which has been specifically created to coordinate and stimulate this initiative. We invite you to visit this website, and above all to participate in the discussions, given that the focuses of the discussions that will later be carried out in different cities will be based on all the ideas and approaches provided. The website address is

This social website aims to be an element of dialogue between civil society, organisations, associations, companies and people with disabilities. We therefore encourage you to share comments, ideas, thoughts and suggestions, both through the website and by attending the conferences that will be held throughout the year, the first of which will take place in Girona on 8 May.