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Success in the first edition of Camp Spinal H2O

Success in the first edition of Camp Spinal H2O

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 Camp Spinal H2O, Institut Guttmann

After six intense days, on Friday, 8th September, closed the first edition of the Spinal Camp H2O, an international campus for water activities co-organized by the Institut Guttmann and the Sunnaas Hospital (Norway) that took place in the localities of Barcelona, Torredembarra and Badalona. 

The group of members was formed by 30 young people with spinal injuries from different Nordic countries and from Barcelona, ​​professionals from the Institut Guttmann, the Sunnass Hospital and the National Rehabilitation Center of Latvia, along with other expert instructors and elite athletes such as the paralympic Quico Tur (tennis player and former patient of the Institut Guttmann) and Júlia Castelló (swimmer and professional of the Institut Guttmann).

All participants of this edition have valued very positively all the activities of the Spinal Camp, both sports and cultural. Among others, they have had the opportunity to practice paddle surfing and kayaking, sail sailing, tasting the speed with the blokart, relaxing with a yoga session, playing a water polo match with the 2014 Europe champions and even bathing with sharks at the Barcelona's Aquarium. In addition, they have visited the facilities of the Institut Guttmann and also walked around the city of Barcelona, ​​which they all loved! However, in an almost unanimous way, they have emphasized that diving in the open sea was the activity that has most enjoyed the new sensations that it has contributed.

Thanks to the collaboration of entities such as the Catalan Sports Federation for People with Disabilities, Club Natació Atlètic Barceloneta, Badalona Port, Naval Base of Badalona, ​​Barcelona Aquarium, Port Forum, International Barcelona Sailing Center , Cercleaventura, the Alvin Bayona Foundation and the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia have been possible to carry out the Spinal H2O Camp.