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Graduation of the 2017-2018 teaching course

Graduation of the 2017-2018 teaching course

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More than 50 students received the Master's degree in Neurorrehabilitation and in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and Cognitive Stimulation from the Institut Guttmann and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The act of graduation of both official masters took place in the Institut Guttmann, with their family and friends.
The welcome ceremony led by Dr. Josep M. Ramírez, gave way to the keynote speech of Dr. Montserrat Masoliver, vicegerent of Academic Organization of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​who compared academic life with a vital initiatory journey based on values ​​such as tolerance, adaptation and perseverance. Dr. Joan Vidal, educational director of the Institut Guttmann, closed the event.
A new academic year ends with a total of 202 students who have followed the teaching programs with the two official Masters in Neurorehabilitation and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and Cognitive Stimulation that are already in their 8th and 7th edition, respectively.