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Renewal of the Social and Participatory Council of the Institut Guttmann

Renewal of the Social and Participatory Council of the Institut Guttmann

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Renewal of the Social and Participatory Council of the Institut Guttmann

A meeting was held yesterday with the associations and other members of the Institut Guttmann Social and Participation Council to present the institution’s 2022 Work Plan. At the beginning of the meeting, the presidency and vice-president were renewed; so Mr. Toni Vilá, will replace in the presidency to Mr. Pep Solé; and Mr. Anxo Queiruga will replace as Mr. Vice President to Albert Carbonell.

In addition, we welcome as experts Mr. Joan Pahisa and Mr. David Bonvehí, and as representatives of the public administrations Mr. David Torrents, Mrs. Cecilia Fàbregues and Mrs. Anna Puente. In relation to the members of the Institut Guttmann, Mrs. Blanca Cegarra, Mrs. Ana Suñé and Mrs. Jana Arimany enter. 

During the meeting, some of the most outstanding actions in the social field of the Institut Guttmann Foundation for this year were presented, among which we highlight the Humanization Plan for the institution, the launch of the 1st edition of the Active Life program, and the Ágora program planned for 2022.

At the end of the meeting, the importance of the Social Council in the Governing Bodies was highlighted, as an advisory body to the Institut Guttmann Foundation in social and disability matters. A very important task for an institution like ours that has within its mission to ensure equal opportunities and equal rights and that, therefore, must pay attention to the voices of the people for whom he works.