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The Road Safety Commission of the Spanish Congress of Deputies visits the Institut Guttmann

The Road Safety Commission of the Spanish Congress of Deputies visits the Institut Guttmann

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reunió de la comissió de seguretat viària del congres diputats

A delegation of the Road Safety Commission of the Spanish Congress of Deputies, led by its president, Mr. Juan Jose Matarí, has visited the Institut Guttmann.

The members have been received by the co-directors of the Institut Guttmann, Dr. Montse Bernabeu and Ms. Montse Caldés, and by the president of the Board of Trustees of the Fundació Institut Guttmann, Dr. Antoni Esteve.

During the working meeting, professionals from the Office of Research and Innovation presented to the MPs the different strategic lines of research, highlighting the "Cognition and Driving" project, which aims to improve the skills of drivers through a neuropsychological assessment of cognitive functions, and which could be implemented in medical examination centres and would help to prevent possible accidents related to the loss of functions such as attention, planning or executive functions, especially in the elderly population.

At the end of the meeting, the deputies, accompanied by members of the management team, visited some of the hospital's most unique facilities, such as the functional rehabilitation area, the neuropsychology area and the kinematics classroom, among others.