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Neurorehabilitation Program for Post-Covid-19 Patient Sequelae

Neurorehabilitation Program for Post-Covid-19 Patient Sequelae

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Programa de Neurorrehabilitación para las secuelas de los pacientes post Covid-19
There is a high number of patients who, after overcoming the acute phase of the disease, have complications associated with having suffered from coronavirus. The sequelae left by Covid-19 are not only obvious and not only affect the physical part, but have also been seen to affect memory, behavior, mood, and the ability to engage in activities of the daily life.
These effects were already described in patients admitted to intensive care units and especially in those who had difficulty breathing for an extended period of time. Recent publications indicate that between 70% and 98% of patients have cognitive deficits, less than half are recovering within the first year and that up to 20% persist with difficulties 5 years after hospital discharge.
The new Neurorehabilitation Program, designed by the care team led by Dr. Montserrat Bernabeu, includes functional, neurological-motor, cognitive-behavioral, emotional and respiratory rehabilitation.
Based on the clinical program, the Institut Guttmann proposes to launch one research study with the aim of analyzing the impact of Covid-19 on brain health, the cognitive disorders that arise and how these affect the development of the activities of daily life.
For more information on the clinical and research program, the following e-mail address has been enabled: